Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lodwar.....home sweet home....

Hey everyone! Well, we are here. We have spent our first week unpacking and getting to know our new house and surroundings. We also have our internet and cell phones all in working order. We have loved hearing some of your sweet voices! To describe life here the climate is hot, dry, dusty. You can make toast by just leaving a slice of bread out for 3 minutes on the kitchen counter. The people are friendly and very interested to talk and look/stare at us. Most of them have never seen American children. We are doing well. We started home school for the girls and they seem to be enjoying it. The Share staff has been most helpful and welcoming to our family. We are excited to be part of such great family here!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! So glad you made it safely and are settling in! We will be praying for you both and the girls by name and for your work! We miss you at MOPS!!
    Laura Jones
