Monday, February 27, 2012


Hello. So sorry for not posting pictures. The internet here is really slow, I think it runs on African time! It is also not cheap. We are still getting settled but we are learning more everyday about our new town. You have to go to about 5 stores to get 10 items. Taylor made a great analogy. He describes the entire town as a Wal-Mart just have to find the right "aisle". So we are all doing great and our girls are loving it. No serious sunburns believe it or not! I have been doing some thinking and below are my thoughts...

I have already learned to appreciate some simple things...
1. a cold coca cola in a glass bottle
2. shade and a breeze
3. birds
4. cold water
5. my children laughing while playing only with leaves and dirt....and each other

Here are some simple things I miss...
1. hot water
2. electricity for 24 hours... consecutively
3. food without bugs (yep.)
4. Roads that do not look like they have had bombs dropped on them
5. having friends drop in

Thanks for all the emails and calls!!!! WE LOVE THEM!!

Kwa Herini!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures! And the lists! Sitting here with mom looking at all the fun pictures! She says hello! Will call soon.
