Friday, April 6, 2012

A tisket, a tasket....choosing a Turkana Easter basket!

Happy Easter! We had a good week here in Kenya. Even though Lainey came down with Malaria. She is doing great and responded quickly to her treatment medicines. She basically just ran fever and complained of a stomach ache. She was on preventative medicine, sleeps under a net and we have screens on the windows. It just happens. We had a few clouds roll by but no more rain yet. Saturday morning we are getting together with the Harris family to dye eggs and do Easter crafts and swim. Saturday afternoon Stanley (a Share Int. staff member) and his family are coming to swim. Then Sunday we will go to church. (I have to be honest, I have a huge crush on the Easter Sunday speaker ;) And yes, you guessed it Taylor is preaching. He will do great as usual. Then we are getting together with the Harris family and Lynn (Both CMF missionaries) and having an American Easter potluck! With our resources combined I think we will have an "Americanish meal". I will be adding a ham, deviled eggs and dessert to the meal. We took the girls Easter basket shopping at the basket market in town and they loved it! Enjoy the pictures!

So many baskets...which one to choose?

Taylor haggling with the "mamas"

Andi, remarkable balance. Even the Turkana ladies were impressed!

Lainey. She was able to make her selections the quickest and never changed her mind.

Andi thought she needed one as a purse also.

Lucy loves small things. Later that night she collected big ants in her "purse basket".

Happy Easter. We love our baskets!

1 comment:

  1. Your girls are precious. Love reading about your adventures. It is a good bit warmer in our part of the world than in mine.
