Friday, June 22, 2012


Hi there! Ok, so to catch you readers up on what we have been doing here in Lodwar since our last post. Our friend Tyler Waters come from U.S. to see us! It was an awesome visit and he had a chick named in his honor. We were out of electricity due to an exploded transformer on our property for two weeks. We ran the freezer and fridge on the generator. Not fun, but all is fine now that we have rewired the house and got the hand built,customized transformer from Nairobi. Taylor is renovating his office on the SEND site and we are hoping it will be done this week. It looks great! He also built a few temporary structures for the STORM team to use for teaching when they come in just a few days.We also headed up a clean up day on the Share Compound and called it "Share Saturday". We all had a great day of hot, dusty work picking up litter, trimming trees, clearing brush and planting a few trees. We finished off the afternoon with a Kenyan feast of goat, ugali, sacuma, potatoes and chipati. We went as a family with Taylor to the remote Lopong'o Village. It was a difficult trip off road through the bush. Quite an adventure! Taylor spoke about the SEND center and encouraged this Share Int. planted church family to give to the center. He also dedicated some benches. We passed out flip flops and were so happy to be with the village church and worship with them. So cool! We began the 2 hour trek home with our new rooster "Lopong'o" in tow. He was a gift along with 2 watermelons and several pieces of jewelry. A sweet symbol of gratitude from the Turkana church.

The bananas trees in our yard are ready for harvest! Yummy!

Tyler Waters just landed in Lodwar!

movie night

Stoping to climb termite mounds on the way to Lake Turkana

Camels on the way to Lake Turkana

Eliye Springs on Lake Turkana

Lucy at Lake Turkana.

Andi at Lake Turkana.

Lainey at Lake Turkana.

Tyler and Taylor picking papaya from our yard. It is a two man job!
Lucy in her "frog uniform" she wears at least 4 days a week and "Tyler the chick".

Fine dining in Lodwar. Goat, sacuma, ugali and chipati


The gals!

Share Saturday clean up. I love Lucy harassing the goat in corner :)


yep, even the kids were working.

Yes, he used a machete.

"Mamas" preparing the meal.

Lunch is served!

Planting banana trees. SEND center will need some shade and green!
Lucy and Micah helping plant papaya trees on SEND site.
Lopong'o village church. Pastored by Joseph, a Share supported missionary.
Dalmas (Share Int. new team leader!) and Taylor passing out shoes we brought. Thanks Beehive!!!
Gift exchange! Never go to a village empty handed. 
Too bad, the camera man just missed my Turkana dance moves. Notice everyone laughing.
The girls and our new rooster, Lopong'o. He is doing well and adjusting to "city  life" in our hen house :)